All Penn State students are expected to abide by local, state, and federal laws and University policies and rules governing conduct of individuals and student organizations. To assist students in understanding the policies and rules at Penn State DuBois there are a number of resources available on this page.
Policies and Rules
A booklet, Policies and Rules For Students, is published annually electronically and contains the University Code of Conduct, disciplinary procedures, and other policies relating to student activities. A copy is available to all students. All students are responsible for the information contained in the Student Planner and the Student Guide to General University Policies and Rules.
Smoking/Vaping/Tobacco Use Policy
Please refer to University Policy Ad 32
Alcoholic Beverages
Possession or use of alcoholic beverages on University property or at University-sponsored activities is prohibited for all students, including those who are over twenty-one years of age. Students under the influence of alcohol are not permitted on campus.
Use of Athletics Center Facilities and Fitness Center
All students, faculty and staff using the fitness center or gymnasium are required to present and/or swipe their valid Penn State Photo ID for entrance to the facilities.
Use of the gymnasium is restricted to currently enrolled Penn State DuBois students, faculty and staff or those involved in Penn State-sponsored activities during approved events. Penn State faculty and staff are also permitted one family member with them; however, the individual will be responsible for their accompanied family member at all times. The gymnasium can be used by non-PSU individuals if the event is sponsored by the University or a University recognized club or organization during an approved event which is open to the public or if an outside event has been approved for use by the Director of Business Services.
During athletic practices the gym may be used by athletes provided the First Aid/CPR trained coach is on site. When practice is over, each coach is responsible for closing the gym and locking the doors and ensuring that all student athletes have exited the gymnasium.
Penn State DuBois students can only use the fitness center when it is staffed by a CPR/First Aid trained employee during posted hours. Fitness center staff can be identified by their fitness center staff shirt. All users of the center must swipe their Penn State ID card at the desk.
Faculty and staff may use the fitness center during non-posted hours; between 5 am and 9 pm. However the following rules apply:
- To request access to the facility outside of the posted hours, send an
email to [email protected] so we can grant you access. - Penn State DuBois faculty and staff who choose to use the fitness center
during non-posted hours must have a faculty or staff partner with them at
all time while using the fitness center for safety reasons. - Faculty and staff using the fitness center during non-posted hours are NOT
permitted to allow any student to enter the facility. - To gain access use your Penn State ID card and swipe your card at the door.
- Once you enter the fitness center, please sign in at the desk on the designated sign in sheet for faculty and staff.
- Failure to comply with these rules will result in loss of privileges.
- Student Athletes may use the fitness center during practice times provided the CPR/First Aid trained coach is on site.
- Community members, family members, or any non PSU individuals are not permitted to use the fitness center at any time.
Student Code of Conduct Policies
Please refer to the University Code of Conduct…
If you have any questions in regards to the Student Code of Conduct, please contact Conduct Officer, Rebecca Pennington at [email protected].